
The City of Ember by Jeanne Deprau

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I really liked The City of Ember. I enjoyed it enough I kept reading until the end of the series. Regardless of the disparaging remarks I’ll make about those, this book is good on its own.


The System of the World by Neal Stephenson

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Finally, the Baroque Cycle concludes. As the third part of a fairly long trilogy, this is only recommended if you’re willing to put the time in to read Cryptonomicon, plus the other two Baroque Cycle books. However, if that’s your thing, this does a really good job of wrapping things up.


Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card

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I didn’t particularly enjoy Ender in Exile. While I enjoyed Ender’s Game, and I enjoyed the first few Ender’s Shadow series books immensely, his later stuff isn’t doing it for me.


The Confusion by Neal Stephenson

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The Confusion is a part of the Baroque Cycle, three long books centered around the late 1600’s. They highlight some of the changes occurring around that time, like the development of money and science. While I enjoyed this book, it took effort. Had I not been so intent on finding out more about Enoch Root from Cryptonomicon, I wouldn’t have made it through any of the Baroque Cycle novels. I did like this novel better than Quicksilver.


Zoe’s Tale by John Scalzi

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Zoe’s Tale by John Scalzi is set in his Old Man’s War universe. It’s a bit like Ender’s Shadow–it’s a part of another book retold from Zoe’s point of view. It has a bit more of a young adult feel than Scalzi’s other stuff. It isn’t bad.


Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson

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Quicksilver is a part of the Baroque Cycle, three long books centered around the late 1600’s. They highlight some of the changes occurring around that time, like the development of money and science. While I enjoyed this book, it took effort. Had I not been so intent on finding out more about Enoch Root from Cryptonomicon, I wouldn’t have made it through any of the Baroque Cycle novels.